San Francisco, California & Worldwide: Why Do 'Militarized' G4S Secure Solutions & Triple Canopy Security Guards Keep Harming Innocent Residents in San Francisco & Beyond ?
2. Wikipedia G4S Secure Solutions, Inc. - U.S. Offices for Home Office in England.
3. Google Search for: Safeway G4S Rosco
Gives you links to stories & documents related to the G4S Guard's hours long confrontation & attack against a Safeway Potrero Regular Customer & his tiny dog Rosco, which was kicked twice in anger by this militarized G4S Secure Solutions Guard.
Took months for Safeway or G4S Secure Solutions to respond to simple requests for Name & Guard Company & B.S.I.S. Guard Card Number (California Bureau of Security & Investigative Services - License Look Up Link:
) despite numerous Written Requests to G4S & Safeway's local, national and international offices.
Other shoppers attending Memorial BBQ's at Safeway stated these G4S Guards had harassed other customers, especially those with a pet like they were animal haters, for a very long time & the night before they killed Rosco.
4. SFist Article on SF Potrero Safeway G4S Guard Charles Lamar Moore Assault Incident --
GS4 Guard Moore is the one who killed Rosco the tiny 12 year old dog, owned by Safeway Customer who went there to buy his usual morning coffee. Customer didn't know G4S Guards had harassed dog owning customers several times in the past few days, weeks and months before this attack in 2016:
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[ See Links below... at bottom of page ... ]
First, we had a G4S Security Guard being assassinated and his 'nuclear facility pass key device' stolen from his apartment in Belgium, two days after The Brussels Terrorist attacks, several years ago.
A Strange Coincidence to say the least.
A Strange Coincidence to say the least.
Then in 2016, we had one G4S Guard commit a horrific terrorist attack 'massacre' at the LGBTQ friendly Pulse nightclub, in Orlando Florida.
Then we had the G4S Officer at the Safeway Potrero who kicked (twice) and killed a tiny dog named Rosco (see: #whokilledrosco & google: Safeway Rosco G4S Link Below at bottom of page) who actually covered up his uniform and badge, prior to his final 'field goal kick' of Rosco the tiny dog.
This 2016 Safeway G4S Guard Assault incident took place over several hours of harassment of Rosco's owner (who had taken video of the guard beating on a teenager, starting at about six in the morning) resulting in the final result of Rosco being kicked twice, to his death, the customer emotionally being totally disaffected and the G4S Guard being arrested. Local SF Animal Control & S.F.P.D. all stepped up to do right, in memory of tiny, 12 year old Rosco.
Big thanks to Mr. Vic Lee, Channel 7 News, who gave great news coverage and showed great compassion for the loss of Rosco and other pet owners disaffected by incidents like this.
He's likely still employed with G4S because the victim was incapable of dealing with the civil and criminal prosecution of the case.
He was devastated by the attack and loss of his beloved tiny dog Rosco, which was a family pet for twelve years and known for his appearance at local rallies, demonstrations, Occupy SF and union strikes, et cetera.
This 2016 Safeway G4S Guard Assault incident took place over several hours of harassment of Rosco's owner (who had taken video of the guard beating on a teenager, starting at about six in the morning) resulting in the final result of Rosco being kicked twice, to his death, the customer emotionally being totally disaffected and the G4S Guard being arrested. Local SF Animal Control & S.F.P.D. all stepped up to do right, in memory of tiny, 12 year old Rosco.
Big thanks to Mr. Vic Lee, Channel 7 News, who gave great news coverage and showed great compassion for the loss of Rosco and other pet owners disaffected by incidents like this.
Details on the Potrero Safeway G4S Guard Assault on Customer & Rosco the tiny dog here:

He was devastated by the attack and loss of his beloved tiny dog Rosco, which was a family pet for twelve years and known for his appearance at local rallies, demonstrations, Occupy SF and union strikes, et cetera.
Protest BBQ's (Memorial and an anniversary one a year later) were held at the San Francisco Safeway Potrero Store where local residents & respectable SFPD Officers paid their last respects to tiny Rosco, who was known to so many of our locals.
Rosco and his owner have attended more protests & events in this city over the past decade than many human locals....
Rosco and his owner have attended more protests & events in this city over the past decade than many human locals....
Now, in 2019, we have Two More Issues with Security Guards from G4S Secure Solutions and Triple Canopy Security.
Both are militarized which makes placing them into high conflict situations with civilians (without mental health testing, support and monitoring) an unwise practice that puts our lives at risk, every day.
Also sets up, perhaps unstable or un-socialized veterans 'at risk' of failing because they would be better off employed in environments that help them stay cool to heal, not be used as 'police' in the midst of folks who are often likely to resent being forced or 'controlled' by folks in uniforms, with guns and military attitudes.
Also sets up, perhaps unstable or un-socialized veterans 'at risk' of failing because they would be better off employed in environments that help them stay cool to heal, not be used as 'police' in the midst of folks who are often likely to resent being forced or 'controlled' by folks in uniforms, with guns and military attitudes.
Many are underpaid and have known and unknown tendencies to be violent and too many are trained to kill from their military experience.
In the case of Triple Canopy, which was created by special forces type military personnel who are trained to be in war battles and many have serious issues that may cause them to be triggered into being out of control, especially when dealing with civilians who are used to being free from threats and force in their daily lives.
They (soldier war trained individuals) may do great in foreign battle arenas but not so good here in our U.S. Communities where civility, tolerance and reason trump force, guns and military commands.
They (soldier war trained individuals) may do great in foreign battle arenas but not so good here in our U.S. Communities where civility, tolerance and reason trump force, guns and military commands.
Soldiers escalate control and are ill equipped to be highly tolerant of residents who act up, are high on pharma or other drugs, or are mentally ill or have other physical impairments that prevent them from being able to control their minds, mouths or movements which is why they need our help, in the first place.
To be included & assisted, as is, not to be thrown out unless they are causing actual harm to others, et cetera.
To be included & assisted, as is, not to be thrown out unless they are causing actual harm to others, et cetera.
Many residents who have disabilities have reported a Male Security Guard(s) at the General Assistance Office and other public benefits or medical related facilities getting angry and abusive towards patients and applicants for benefits who are there in order to get better from what ails them.
Instead of being professional and tolerant of all, short of imminent violent strike or showing of a weapon, these Security Guard(s) employed by Triple Canopy act like macho, do-as-I-say-now-or-leave kind of men who have chips on their shoulder.
They are in fact, unduly & wrongly Delaying & Denying these disabled and ill residents from applying for and receiving their Benefits, under Color of Authority.
They are in fact, unduly & wrongly Delaying & Denying these disabled and ill residents from applying for and receiving their Benefits, under Color of Authority.
This directly violates many health, safety and professions laws and state rights to obtain benefits without arbitrary or frivolous denial of access to said benefits by Macho Top Gun Militarized Security Guards who are Not Above The Law.
Their 'trying to be slick', aggressive, prejudicial mistreatment of locals applying for benefits or to attend mandatory appointments causes a great deal of harm and causes financial losses, delays to obtain critical benefits.
These delays & losses caused by the prejudicial Security Guard & Company also causes folks to become homeless or stay homeless only because these out of control, control freak Security Guards are roadblocking them at the door, without any real public safety concern.
Often loud or nutty residents (with cussing syndrome aka Terets, for example) shows up to their medical benefits appointment (to get help with their condition) but un-professional biases Security Guards can't handle them so they kick them out of the public facility -- without legitimate cause.
These militarized, over-reactionary private Security Guards are acting in criminal ways that causes real harm to folks who are coming to these public places for the help they need, in the first place.
They (discriminatory minded biased guards) cause waste and lack of appointment goal achievements for social, welfare and benefits workers every day because their messed up clients & patients are being denied access to their appointed meetings with these workers.
Blaming it all on the homeless, poor, elderly or disabled person for 'not showing up' for their appointments, time and time again. Instead of the militarized security guards who have issues from war that preclude many of them from being 'tolerant enough' & smart enough to not deny services to anyone, unless absolutely necessary due to a real & present violent encounter.
Many of our residents are noisy and disruptive where ever they go and non-militarized folks here for decades do not over react or try to throw people out for being themselves, as they are in their present human condition.
Only if a resident becomes threatening or uses violence is there a need to 'police' them or consider denying them access.
But, because any one in that public space says or does something that bothers you or others (according to our local standards not some other police or military standard or personal dislikes) is NOT sufficient reason to bully them or delay their lawful reason for being there (i.g. applying for food stamps or medical care, etc).
So, having militarized security in the midst of mentally ill and medically ill or desperate residents is NOT a great idea at all.
Just as G4S Guards at Safeway at Potrero resulted in many complaints against them by residents, especially those with animals that were hassled & harassed by these militarized, underpaid guards until it escalated into the premeditated type assault on one customer and his dog Rosco, who was killed by a guard, trained to kill.
Then in 2018 to date, reports coming in about Triple Canopy Security appears to be deploying 'Security Guards' at public offices which are in reality, trained killers being deployed in dense, high civilian contact and conflict areas & our mentally ill, disabled, elderly and medically affected residents.
You want social and mental health trained Security Officers using their minds, psychology & tones of voice to de-escalate folks by being smart & professional (calm, cool & collective at all times).
Using militarized "trained to control" methods & 'use force to gain compliance with orders' mentality trained veterans as Security Guards -- amongst our most vulnerable civilian residents, doesn't work very well.
Using militarized "trained to control" methods & 'use force to gain compliance with orders' mentality trained veterans as Security Guards -- amongst our most vulnerable civilian residents, doesn't work very well.
Trying to control folks on drugs or having mental or emotional issues does not work with force, threat of force, or by being trespassed (for any time at all) or threatened with trespass -- because folks in these conditions do not respond to force -- they are already suffering and need compassion, understanding and relief, not some big security guard with a gun threatening him in any way, whatsoever.
Lastly, also from 2018 to date in 2019 (active) we have a new report about a G4S Secure Solutions Security Guard who has been threatening; harassing and trying to do a kind of False Imprisonment Under Color of Authority in the low income SRO Hotel he lives in, on Valencia Street in the Mission District.
A federally subsidized residential housing building for about 80 disabled, elderly residents. Many have lived there for decades.
A federally subsidized residential housing building for about 80 disabled, elderly residents. Many have lived there for decades.
According to tenants, this G4S Security Guard Uniform wearing resident moved in awhile ago and is fairly new to the building. He hasn't changed the name on his U.S. Mail Box in the Hotel Lobby, so no one knows his name, only his face and persona.
Complaints & police reports will have to be filed as John Doe, G4S Security Guard until his identity has been determined.
Complaints & police reports will have to be filed as John Doe, G4S Security Guard until his identity has been determined.
We're told that whenever anyone went to go or goes to visit their neighbors & friends near "his" hallway (each hallway has access to about 4 or 5 living units each) he would threaten them (with or without brandishing a weapon tucked under his shirt) and demands that they stay away from his hallway.
The tenants are really freaking out and they would call the police except recently an undercover SFPD unit attacked an innocent resident in the front doorway without trying to check his ID or listen to other tenants & desk clerk, so there is not much trust for the police at this time
Too many (elite owned, militarized, global companies) Private Guards (like G4S) working closely with regular city police and county sheriffs deputies to the point that we can't trust our law enforcement when it comes to reporting criminal behavior by privatized guards in public places to them.
We must get privatized public services OUT of our communities and public places. We need security who works For Us Locally, not for a global corporation who doesn't care about us, let alone their own staff.
Too many (elite owned, militarized, global companies) Private Guards (like G4S) working closely with regular city police and county sheriffs deputies to the point that we can't trust our law enforcement when it comes to reporting criminal behavior by privatized guards in public places to them.
We must get privatized public services OUT of our communities and public places. We need security who works For Us Locally, not for a global corporation who doesn't care about us, let alone their own staff.
One elderly tenant went to the Hospital Emergency Room shortly after other tenants heard him in a confrontation with that G4S Security Guard on the 2nd Floor of the SRO Hotel.
He suffered some sort nervous or heart condition according to other tenants who walked his stretcher out to the ambulance.
He suffered some sort nervous or heart condition according to other tenants who walked his stretcher out to the ambulance.
The tenants know that it's in the lease -- that guns on site (federally subsidized building) are not permitted and trying to tell other tenants where to go in the common areas of the building (akin to False Imprisonment) is illegal and violates the material conditions of the lease.
Tenants in any building have the right to visit others and go into any other common area and no one, especially someone in a uniform or being threatening with gestures or weapons -- has any right to tell any tenant or lawful guest where to go or who to visit or not, period.
If you know of any Private Security Company Guards that are abusive or acting in criminal ways or provoking confrontations and violence in public places, please post your story here or email it to:
Be Safe and If YOU See Something, Say Something to somebody somewhere!
SFHomeless Group Moderator
[ Related Links ]
1. Wikipedia - Triple Canopy (aka Tri-Canopy) - They have a contract at the main San Francisco General Assistance Office and other locations. One large, caucasian Guard uses threats, ridicule, force and kicks out anyone who he gets mad about or who refuses to be under his total control.
He has no tolerance for disabled, mentally ill and others who are there to get help with their uncontrollable conditions, not to be thrown out or denied services because of loud, un-ruly but non-violent expressions or acting out.
2. Wikipedia G4S Secure Solutions, Inc. - U.S. Offices for Home Office in England.
3. Google Search for: Safeway G4S Rosco
Gives you links to stories & documents related to the G4S Guard's hours long confrontation & attack against a Safeway Potrero Regular Customer & his tiny dog Rosco, which was kicked twice in anger by this militarized G4S Secure Solutions Guard.
Took months for Safeway or G4S Secure Solutions to respond to simple requests for Name & Guard Company & B.S.I.S. Guard Card Number (California Bureau of Security & Investigative Services - License Look Up Link:
) despite numerous Written Requests to G4S & Safeway's local, national and international offices.
Other shoppers attending Memorial BBQ's at Safeway stated these G4S Guards had harassed other customers, especially those with a pet like they were animal haters, for a very long time & the night before they killed Rosco.
4. SFist Article on SF Potrero Safeway G4S Guard Charles Lamar Moore Assault Incident --
GS4 Guard Moore is the one who killed Rosco the tiny 12 year old dog, owned by Safeway Customer who went there to buy his usual morning coffee. Customer didn't know G4S Guards had harassed dog owning customers several times in the past few days, weeks and months before this attack in 2016:
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1 comment:
Acts 16:31, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 1 Peter 1:17-21, Revelation 22:18-19
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