Filipino SFPD Officer Leads Pack-Torture SF General Hospital Patient June 5 2015 5pm
Moderators and Task Force Legal Team
SFAwareness Group (c) 2007-2015
SF Peoples' Fraud Task Force
Note: If you were at SF General Hospital yesterday (06/05/2015) and saw this incident around 5 to 6pm, please email: -
We'll forward your info to the victim's attorney.
A well known local 'patients' rights' advocate, suffering years of leg problems associated with diabetes, went down to the San Francisco General Hospial yesterday, Friday June 5, around noon. He can barely walk and is very large boned, heavy set elderly man.
After receiving treatment from interns and nurses and had his legs wrapped up, he walked out from the hospital onto the sidewalk to go to his home in the mission.
After receiving treatment from interns and nurses and had his legs wrapped up, he walked out from the hospital onto the sidewalk to go to his home in the mission.
As he walked he saw a shiny, silver 'button' style earring and bent over to pick it up.
As soon as he was in a crouched position, undercover officers jumped out, yelled at him not to move and he had to because he was in pain. One very heavy set, short filipino officer (in uniform) and about seven other plainsclothes officers jumped the patient and beat on him.
A crowd of patients, residents, nurses and interns were all around watching and tried to intervene as they cops had grabbed the patients' camera, smashed it and took out the memory card (which had irreplaceable photos of his relatives, family, baby pics and potential evidence of abuse by police in this case).
While he was handcuffed behind his back, they officers kept picking him up off the ground from behind and dropped him onto his knees, causing excruciating pain. They did this several times until the nurses and folks came forward to protest and stop the torture.
Other officers blockcaded the view of the beatings and told everyone to get away this is 'police business'.
The victim believes this is in retaliation for narcotics dealers near his home, with whom he's had confonrtations with and were overheard talking about having 'friends' in the SFPD go after him.
It's likely the 'shiny earring' ploy is a standard tactic to get folks to 'bend over' like they were picking up crack to justify attacks by this 'beating squad' led by the Filipino, uniformed SFPD Officer, who was directing these illegal acts involving multiple undercover cars and about 7 other officers.
We suppose they're from the Mission District Station or perhaps Potrero Station, we're checking on that.
Here's notes from our chat with this unfortunate victim:
(Note: We're starting 'legal defense" crowd funding to help folks like him, that we know and trust, beaten by criminal officers and others, especially involving criminal tenants and landlords doing bad things to us all, more often now).
The officers picked him up and dropped him onto his knees, with hands held behind his back over and over again. Easy way to shatter knee caps.
The SFPD Offices smashed his camera, and were seen beating the disabled elderly patient while handcuffed -- by many hospital staff, patients and nurses who just treated him came out and confronted the police. The police blockaded the nurses said 'this is a police matter'
Then they took off to the police station,…Four door large undercover unit, with a rack cage. Little fat phillipino officer in uniform was passenger in car. Apparently 'directing' the operations of this squad.
On way to station patient kept demanding them to tell him why they beat him and attacked him and tortured him and arrested him. What are the charges. And told him to stop drooling on the car seats (he was drooling from panic, shock and from pain)
Then, they stopped the car and told him to get out and go away. He replied he couldn't because he was handcuffed behind his back, in pain and can't open the door from the inside. The officers kept yelling at him and to jump out of the car, said he couldn't, until an officer got out and opened the door.
They tried to force him to sign a piece of paper. disclaiming that he's being arrest or detained but released without charges, akin to this incident never happened.
After they dragged him out of the car and kicked him in the side. If you don't run away we're going to do what we did to you again.
Our friend ran away and did NOT sign the bogus paper to cover up these horrific crimes, under color of authority, by folks who make their salary from Our Tax Dollars.
So, if YOU see something shiny on the ground, do NOT pick it up. It's a trap to enable violent, out of control officers (sergeants and above) and patrol officers and corrupted drug agents to beat you, felonize you and put you in prison, all based on entrapment and lies and intimidation.
Many of the cases our groups have reported on have been presented to our State Attorney General Kamala Harris, but alas, she has close relationships with most of these thug players stealing our local cash flows and public resources to the elite, so we don't expect justice any time soon. We're on our own now, People.
Be aware of your surroundings. Do NOT travel or sleep alone anywhere. Travel in groups with ample cell phones (turned off, battery out until ready to use), video and audio recording devices and live stream or upload in real time whatever you can since we know cops in San Francisco who do crimes, will steal your stuff and videos and destroy cameras to obstruct justice and for the fun of it, because they are out of control.
They likely abuse drugs, alcohol or have mental defects and condtions that must be exposed or more of our people will be targeted, set up, beaten and murdered under the false color of authority.
Chief Suhr, we've only touched on the tip of these criminals in uniform ice bergs. When we said we live in a State of Emergency, we were serious. When we said nothing short of a massive purge of our law enforcement and government by Mandatory Drug, Liquor and Mental Health Testing and Evaluations is the ONLY WAY to stop this madness.
We'll have many more stories like this and more on this story coming up, all hot and cold summer long.
Bless all who have been beaten and died at the hands of police officers acting out of control who destroy lives and communities as traitors of our people who must be exposed and brought to justice, now.
Moderators and Task Force Legal Team
SFAwareness Group (c) 2007-2015
SF Peoples' Fraud Task Force
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