This is why it costs more to use taxis.... but, if one needs to check up on cabbies, there are publicly available records, being licensed as a public transit service.
Click on Photo To Go To The Poll On |
That's why we have regs to stop these kind of cheaters from starting businesses without full respect for existing conditions, people, laws, businesses and regulations and their intent because they don't care.
They do this for money over a time window of opportunity, until its about to fail or get too expensive to operate safely and legitimately, then they bail with all the cash and leave all the victims, employees, stockholders, pension holders behind, as they move onto to their next target market area, in your community or town soon.
We created a Poll on the cool, ad free Social Network Site called Seen.Is (in iceland).
Help us answer this Research Poll to find out our collective best guess as to how many actual Uber Drivers are in San Francisco. Thank you for your help...
SF Traffic Safety Task Force for the SFAwareness Group
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